Comfort is not a change in circumstance or prevailing reality
Comfort is not a denial of pain or the effect on you
Comfort is strength in the midst of a circumstance
It comes when you ask God to help you see a situation in the light He sees it
The moment you see from there, you would receive comfort.
Many times our Problem is not with people, or what they did/didn’t do
It’s also not with the thought of what we could have done better or what we did wrong
It’s with ourselves and we accepting that life has happened and also realising that we don’t have control over everything that happens
It’s about teaching ourselves to breathe, to dream again & magnifying the future till its value becomes greater than the past
God gave us the gift of time
In time we find healing, because we’re created to heal naturally
If we don’t obstruct the natural healing process with our methods and logic
If we rest, we will heal!
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Physical rest for physical healing and Spiritual rest for spiritual healing (as in Mathew 11:28)
Let your healing begin today