Your life and what you do in it are determined by

who you think is indispensable,
where you think is indispensable and
what you think is indispensable to you,

that is, the people, the places, or the things you feel you cannot do without

This is why you need definition, you need to make it clear to yourself the role or position everyone, every place and everything occupies in your life

If you don’t do this, you will find out that you are affected by the activity & inactivity of multiple unrelated influences, and you may never arrive at stability in any specific area of your life

This may just be the difference between who you prioritize, and who/what/where you give your attention to, sacrifice for, and choose in any moment that our attention is up for grabs

Because your attention will always be up for grabs, the world and its systems, as well as heaven and its systems will always demand your attention

Your dreams, your vision, your goals, your loved ones, every single thing thrives on our attention

Many times we fail to achieve our goals, and it’s not because we are unable to achieve what we set our mind on, actually, we can do anything we set our heart on…

Its that we are not occupied enough by what we prioritize, and we are still dependent on the affirmation that comes from people, places, and things that are inconsequential to our dream, vision, and journey


So what is your dream, what vision do you have, and what journey do you have to embark on?

Define that!!

Then next you define who you need to travel with & whose appraisal you should listen to

Who you listen to and travel with many times is determined by the vision, who has a fuller picture of the vision, who has the resources(especially non-physical and non-monetary) you need, who offers covering to you, and who has traveled the path you want to go on, who is traveling the path you’re on (whose vision is your vision), etc

Then invest your limited resources of time, energy, attention, money, etc in their direction, because…

If you can’t identify value, you can never maximize it! I am learning every day that everyone is dispensable until they are tied to a vision.

And a vision worth pursuing is a vision that is bigger than the vision bearer…


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